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    Australian Open? Categoría Australian Open?

    Kia Corporation has been expanding the scale of its sports sponsorship for some years now. Kia is developing itself very much into a sporty brand, designed to appeal to younger drivers with an emphasis on excitement and versatility.

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    All subsidiaries will cooperate to fulfill this vision Categoría All subsidiaries will cooperate to fulfill this vision

    The core values comprise the code of conduct for employees and the organization at large. They also represent the corporate culture we strive for and the promise we make to ourselves and stakeholders. We become one by sharing the same values and applying them consistently in our decision making processes. Kia will tackle challenges head on through mutual cooperation and respect while fulfilling our pledgesand embracing talent and diversity to build a distinct corporate culture. In 2011, Hyundai Motor Group established a new corporate vision: 'Respecting people and practicing environmental management to maximize value creation and pursue balanced and shared growth with stakeholders.' All subsidiaries will cooperate to fulfill this vision and turn Hyundai Motor Group into a top-tier global automotive group that provides customers with new value. With the greater value we create by pooling our competencies, we will strengthen the soundness of partner firms and local communities while contributing to the sustainability of humankind.