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“Hill Start Assist is a feature that automatically activates to stop your car from rolling back when you press and release the brakes on a hill by holding the brake pressure.”
When drivers encounter an uphill road, they often hold their cars in place then start moving again. If you are not a fully experienced driver, you might hear a squealing noise from your vehicle when pressing hard on the accelerator to prevent your car from rolling backward. Skilled drivers are, of course, no exception. Hill Start Assist serves to stop your vehicle from rolling back while on a hill by automatically operating the brake system for about 3 seconds, even if you release your foot from the brake pedal. This latest safety technology, also called “hill-holder” or “hill control”, is considered essential for beginner drivers who are inexperienced in driving on hills and is quickly becoming widespread in the automobile market.
When you take your foot off the brake pedal, the Hill Start Assist feature automatically retains the pressure in the braking system for a short while to make sure your car does not roll back unwillingly. Then, as you step on the accelerator, the brakes will release. This feature protects the driver when driving on both uphill and downhill roads. However, Hill Start Assist will not activate if the vehicle senses an uphill and the gear is in 'reverse' or downhill while the gear is in 'drive.'