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  • 所有附加設備均需繳付額外費用及首次登記稅,詳情請參閱價目表。
  • 起亞香港保留更改產品規格及設備之最終權利,恕不另行通知。
  • 規格和設備資料會因應本地的條件和要求而有所更改,請咨詢我們的銷售顧問了解詳情。
  • 車身顔色,車廂顔色,功能和規格可能會與本網頁的相片稍有不同。
The whole new levels of peace of mind
At speeds of 20 km/h or higher, BCW alerts you if a vehicle enters your blind spot, even when you are in the process of changing lanes. LED warnings flash on the door mirror and an audio warning is emitted when you signal to make a lane change.