Inspiration Can

Take You Anywhere

Kia learns about the inspirations guiding this year’s Great Unknowns college scholarship recipients to greatness.

For three years, Kia has been honored to award a college scholarship to a select few high school students for their excellence in the STEAM subjects. As a company, we’re guided by our belief in Movement That Inspires — that the ideas we find on our journey through life can lead us to do great things. So when considering this year’s applicants, we wanted to know all about their inspirations. What is it in their lives that motivates them to create and achieve? What pushes them to be great? What ambitions and goals do they dream of achieving through their college education? Where will their ideas take them? From many incredible applicants, we were able to identify this year’s scholarship recipients. Sixteen amazing students who are driven by their inspiration, and will now use their college education as a platform to accomplish their goals. From Belen and Chritina, who are moved by loved ones to make new medical discoveries, to Chaselee and Erika, who strive to create breakthroughs in software technology, this year’s Great Unknowns Scholars have no shortage of inspiration guiding them to greatness. Congratulations to this year’s amazingly inspired group of students.