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Servisný prísľub

Čo môžete očakávať?

Vždy, keď nám zveríte svoje vozidlo Kia, môžete očakávať, že sa maximálne snažíme o vašu spokojnosť. V každom kroku myslíme na vaše pohodlie a potreby. Ponúkame vám služby za férové ceny.

    • Thumbnail gallery
  • Stay connected to our promise

    We don’t believe exceptional service should come with any downtime. That’s why we have developed the following services enabling you to stay connected to us:

    • Book your appointments
    • Discover valuable offers
    • Call up your quotes any time, anywhere

    Kia Customer Visual Guide
    • Explanations of systems, parts and technologies (as films/virtual reality)
    • Technical solutions and tips

    Stay connected to our promise
  • Let us customise the experience for you

    Let us customise the experience for you

    For us, anticipating your service needs is something we strive for. By offering you Individualised Services like these, we ensure that your personal preferences are focused on:

    • Complementary holiday check
    • Free 7 year map update
    Tailor-made service packages

  • Think about a sustainable future with us

    It’s never been more important to think about sustainability. And with Kia, it’s also never been easier. Discover the following services to suit your daily driving needs and love for the environment:

    Specialised health checks for eco-friendly models
    • Vehicles returned fully charged after each service

    Think about a sustainable future with us
    • Best Kia Service Award: discover an award-winning dealer near you

Best Kia Service Award: discover an award-winning dealer near you

The dealerships with the highest standards are awarded the Best Kia Service Award. It’s your proof of quality and customer satisfaction. They are judged on the basis of the Best Kia Service Principles.

Best Kia Service Principles

  • Vehicle Health Check

    The technicians check your Kia’s key components for safety and performance – free of charge whenever you visit the dealership.

  • Handover

    Do you have any questions about technology, service, costs? We give you the answers, whether you are collecting your car or bringing it in for service. No rush.

  • Car Cleaning

    Your car has not only been serviced but cleaned as well. That means no extra work for you. And no charge.

  • Alternative Transportation

    If your car can’t be repaired the same day, you will be offered alternative transport – the costs are covered.

  • Waiting Lounge Area

    If you choose to wait at the dealership, you should feel right at home – with great comfort and convenience.

  • Follow-up Call

    Is there anything that could have been done better? You will receive a call to check if you are satisfied with the customer service.

  • EV-Service

    The best service for your Kia electric vehicle

    If you made your decision for a Kia EV, you want to make sure it receives the maintenance its unique technology requires. Our service technicians are specially trained and equipped with the latest technology and knowledge.


  - Dodržíme termín stretnutia
  - Máme individuálny prístup
  - Kontrola vozidla vo vašej prítomnosti (obhliadka pri príjme do servisu)
  - Dodržíme odhad ceny
  - Ponúkame náhradnú dopravu
  - Garantujeme profesionálny servis a kontrolu kvality
  - Vysvetlíme podrobne faktúru
  - Odovzdáme čistejšie vozidlo ako ste priviezli
  - Používame výhradne originálne diely
  - Dávame priestor na vašu spätnú väzbu

Môže sa vám páčiť

  • Pohodlné služby

    Počas čakacej doby vám ponúkame rôzne služby od bezplatnej wi-fi až po náhradnú prepravu.

  • Životné prostredie

    Záleží nám na našej planéte, a preto vynakladáme značné úsilie na tvorbu zelenej spoločnosti.

  • Údržba

    Zistite ako sa starať a udržiavať o váš automobil tak, aby vydržal čo najdlhšie.