Further information about the official fuel consumption and official specific CO2 emissions for new passenger cars is given, guideline on fuel, CO2 emissions and energy consumption of new passenger cars are taken, the German at all Kia sales outlets and at DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth -Straße 1, 73760 Ostfildern (www.dat.de), is available free of charge.
Tyre Labelling Information
Reading the Tyre Label
The fuel efficiency of tyres is measured according to their rolling resistance.
A: Lowest
E: Highest
This relates to the ability of your tyres to stop your car quickly on wet roads.
A. Shortest stopping
E: Longest stopping
This Icon is designed to regulate the future EU mandatory limit on tyre noise pollution.
Tyre types delivered with a vehicle may differ from the tyre types shown. A possibility to choose a specific tyre type within a range of the same size is not available.