Contact us | KIA Premierautomotive
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Customer Service

We're dedicated to providing excellent customer service. We'd like you to help us in our continued effort to improve customer satisfaction by telling us about your experience.

If you have a complaint about the level of service you've received, or any dissatisfaction with your vehicle, we want to hear from you.  Please contact us as soon as possible as we'll do out best to try and help.

Should you feel we’ve been unable to give you a satisfactory solution at our dealership, you can get in touch with the Kia customer services team directly by:


0333 202 2990

Write to:

Kia Customer Services, PO Box 6426, Milton Keynes, MK1 9HT



Our opening hours: 

Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 7pm

Saturday: 9am - 1pm Sunday

Bank Holidays and Public Holidays: Closed

They will investigate your concerns and make sure they’re resolved as swiftly as possible.


The Motor Ombudsman - We are proud to subscribe to The Motor Ombudsman's Code of Practice which has been approved by the Trading Standard Institute. Their role is to make sure that we're acting responsibly and keeping our promises in line with their code of guidelines. You may contact them by:


0345 241 3008

Write to: 

The Motor Ombudsman, 71 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2BN


Via their website

Further information can be found here

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The code of practice our dealers abide to:

This is extended to a 'Service & Repair Code of Practice' and includes-

  • Honest and fair services
  • Open and transparent pricing
  • Completing work as agreed
  • Invoices that match quoted prices
  • Competent and conscientious staff
  • A straightforward, swift complaints procedure